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Age 47
Joined Monday, February 12, 2007
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Extended Profile
I sing and play bass in Order of Merlin, a wizard rock band. Wizard Rock is an odd phenomenon of Harry Potter-themed rock bands that often dress, roleplay and write songs from the perspective of Harry Potter characters. Roleplaying is another big hobby of mine, I usually play old-school pen & paper RPGs like D&D, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Terra Primate, Call of Cthulhu, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Deadlands, Hunter: The Reckoning, SLA Industries, Living Death and D20 Modern. I've been involved in a number of CthulhuLive LARPs, as a player, a gm, and as an organizer. I've written Cthulhu fan fiction, and (with my wife) self-published a Lovecraft fanzine called Cthulhupalooza.

My favorite fiction genres are fantasy, horror, weird fiction and science fiction (though I do not enjoy space opera). My favorite fiction authors are Gregory Maguire, Neil Gaimen, Chuck Palahniuk, Philip K. Dick, J.K. Rowling, Michael Moorcock, Alan Moore and H.P. Lovecraft. My favorite non-fiction tends towards sociology, and I usually favor things that are written from an atheistic standpoint. Some of my favorite non-fiction works include books published by Feral House and Disinformation. Freakonomics by Steve Levitt and The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom are two other non-fiction titles I've enjoyed recently. I also enjoy the works of Charles Bukowski and Hunter Thompson, and can never get enough gaming books.

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